Choose Joy

Joy is a choice. Let’s practice it, not just talk about it! Last month I had a chance to lead a laughter session for a couple of hundred women at the Speaking of Women’s Health conference. One of my favorite comments after a group was from a woman who said she had attended several lectures in the past year about the benefits of laughter and humor, but had never before experienced the benefits themselves!  She noticed that the sense of lightness, joy and overall well-being that was produced by practicing laughter had been absent from her experience learning about the benefits in a lecture format. 

As a movement teacher this does not surprise me. While I do teach the benefits of using imagery, practicing movement mentally, and staying mentally focused while exercising, I understand that we create inner transformation by doing transformative work, not by talking about all the benefits that come from doing transformative work!

My message to you (and my reminder to myself) is PRACTICE. Feed your mental body whatever it needs to settle it down a little and then DO THE WORK.

In our practice is where we find the joy, create the muscle strength, hone a new skill, and we build the discipline of showing up and getting the job done. We discover the benefits of living life joyfully not by understanding all about it, but by practicing it. Today, find something to be grateful about (and then BE GRATEFUL). Notice the ridiculousness of your mistakes (and love yourself). Notice the ridiculousness of your loved ones’ idiosyncrasies (and have a little chuckle). Smile. Love yourself and others just the way we are. These are all simple – even easy – steps toward experiencing a life that is happier and healthier.

May you notice your blessings and enjoy them.

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