Class Descriptions

All group classes are led by Linda Putthoff, and are currently meeting on-line.
Register in advance through your MindBody app, or email to register and receive the link to join.

Beg/Int Yoga: Enjoy a mixed-level class in which proper breathing and alignment will be the focus. Benefits of practicing yoga include greater strength, flexibility, and peace of mind. Come with a desire to move, and leave with an open heart and a calm mind. Yoga experience helpful but not required.

Gentle Yoga gives you time and space to deepen your relationship with your body. Train your attention and heighten your awareness. Discover joy and ease in your life through movement, breath and mediation exercises. You can be strong and stable with a practice of Gentle Yoga.

Pilates Basics  - Learn to become more aware of your body, which is the foundation of mind-body of Pilates.  Strengthen your core with modifications of classical mat exercises which are tailored to meet your needs. All levels welcome.