Who we are

At Plaza Wellspring, we know that a fluid, intelligent, and awake body is possible for everyone. In a session at Plaza Wellspring, expect to get to know your body more fully, move your body with deeper compassion, and learn to lighten up and have fun in your approach to movement retraining.

Here at Plaza Wellspring, we are in love with learning. Each day brings us a new opportunity to learn something about ourselves and each other. Each challenge, stage of life, or injury can lead us down a path of discovery. The excitement and enthusiasm we have for exploring movement is contagious – you will benefit from the energy and vitality of our studio environment. Recent brain research shows that curiosity and excitement is one mark of a youthful brain!

The teachers at Plaza Wellspring are flexible and adaptable. We work to discover what works for each individual student. While there are over-arching principles that we trust such as the value of focused awareness, we also understand that not everyone learns in the same way or at the same pace. Imagery that is completely engaging for me may not speak to you at all. We enjoy helping our students discover what makes their own bodies sing.